Event Production: Prioritizing Safety at Events

Picture of CHOURA TEAM


March 19, 2020. The date that signifies a massive shift in not only the health of the world, but the economy as well. It’s the day most of the world went into a complete lock down with stay-at-home measures strictly in place in multiple regions. It’s the day that many employers realized they wouldn’t be able to make it financially. The day many employees had to grasp that they may be one of the millions without a job or steady income. Choura even had to pivot in event production. It was a dark day that, in retrospect, taught us a lot about ourselves and how hard we’re willing to push to continue to do what we all love the most.

What’s Next?

Fast-forward to fall of 2021, we see festival after festival, sporting events, and live, in-person events all coming back hard. Covid is still very much around and the mutated strains are very contagious. We ask ourselves, how can we bring back the live events we hold so dear to our hearts? How can we bring them back so that we can continue to regather safely? It’s a question many event producers have asked themselves and in turn worked hard to navigate event production.

New Safety Measures.

During the pandemic, Choura made some pretty good lemonade with the lemons we were dealt. Being able to pivot quickly was always a characteristic the team had, so we did the same with the pandemic. Realizing we had all this festival tenting, we began building triage centers and covid testing tents for local hospitals in need. Our team became certified in COVID safety, understanding the regulations and what was needed to ensure a decrease in spread.

Bringing Back Events Stronger Than Ever.

Utilizing this information, we can consult with event producers on the health and safety of guests. From requiring vaccination records and negative tests, to the addition of sanitation stations throughout, to requiring masks, we are your partner in helping live events come back stronger, safer, and more responsible. Looking to add custom sanitation stations to your event? Shoot us a line, we can help!

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Choura Events: An Experience Company. Building pretty is easy. Building with purpose takes guts. Amongst an industry of order-takers, we don’t fit in. We find out. We’re after the moments that can’t be replicated. The events that transcend walls and transform individuals. To learn more visit us at https://www.choura.co, call us at (310) 320-6200 or email us at info@choura.co. Follow us on Social Media: