LA COVID-19 Adaptation: Choura’s Innovative Response

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Amid COVID-19 pandemic’s uncertainty, brands took up the challenge. They developed innovative solutions for cities to adapt and thrive in these trying times. In Los Angeles, the concept of ‘LA COVID-19 Adaptation’ stood in the spotlight. Companies created custom outdoor builds to think outside the box and navigate this global health crisis.

Choura: Leading the Way

Choura, a brand at the forefront, offered creative approaches. We’ve ensured residents in Los Angeles and throughout California adapted easily during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supporting Everyday Activities

Our innovations have helped churches, restaurants, and small gatherings to continue. The COVID-19 safety regulations limit gatherings to curb the virus’s spread.

Abiding by CDC Regulations

Following CDC regulations, we at Choura have ensured events didn’t increase the virus’s spread. COVID-19 spreads through droplets when someone talks, coughs, or sneezes.

Safety Measures for Gatherings

The CDC advises holding gatherings outside for proper air circulation and social distancing. The advice extends to church services and gatherings in large, well-ventilated areas. Specifically, in their recommendation for the reopening of churches, said, “Consider holding services and gatherings in a large, well-ventilated area or outdoors, as circumstances and faith traditions allow.” 

Implementing ‘LA COVID-19 Adaptation’

In our commitment to ‘LA COVID-19 Adaptation’, We’ve implemented measures to abide by safety guidelines. These include site testing, installing partitions, and taking extra precautions for safe gatherings during these times.

These outdoor tents make it safe for churches, schools, restaurants, and events to remain open and functional. We’ve done some fantastic work for various establishments in San Pedro, Long Beach, Laguna Beach, Santa Ana and other California areas.

Let Choura Create Los Angeles Custom Outdoor Builds

We have a diverse inventory of tents to help you remain open and adapt during this COVID-19 period. If you want a sophisticated outdoor and indoor design, let’s get started here.


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Choura Events: An Experience Company. Building pretty is easy. Building with purpose takes guts. Amongst an industry of order-takers, we don’t fit in. We find out. We’re after the moments that can’t be replicated. The events that transcend walls and transform individuals. To learn more visit us at, call us at (310) 320-6200 or email us at Follow us on Social Media:

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