The Event Industry During COVID-19

The United States has been battling widespread outbreaks of COVID-19 since mid March. This virus has changed the lives of people across the globe. It has meant shut downs of all events, ranging from sports, to music festivals, and even small scale classroom settings and business meetings. While businesses such as restaurants and retailers begin to open, the events space is still in the early steps of repairing their devastated industry.
Event professionals, such as Ryan Choura, CEO of Choura Events, have been discussing outdoor events during COVID and what the industry will look like in the coming months and years. The CDC has compiled a page of guidelines for the events space. On of the big things highlighted was keeping events outside and spaced out to decrease the spread of the virus. With events moving outside, many leaders in the industry are looking towards installing temporary structures and tents outdoors to maintain safety guidelines. Being outdoors and maintaining social distancing while wearing masks are going to be the first steps towards regathering.
Examples of Outdoor Events During COVID-19
The CDC is currently recommending that if groups were to leave the house, that they would remain outside, at a distance of at least 6 feet from other individuals that are not in their household. Outdoor events during COVID-19 seem to be the way of the future in order to keep people as safe as possible while leaving the house. Organizations have begun to get creative in helping people regather outdoors for events in a safe way. For example, Choura’s partner at SeaCoast Grace Church installed one of our large outdoor tents in order to hold religious services outside in a safe way.
We provided a 26,910 sqft tent that can hold up to 300 people under the tent with proper social distancing measures in place. This community was able to regather because of a temporary outdoor structure that follows CDC guidelines for events outdoors. Choura has also provided outdoor parklettes and patios for restaurants in cities such as Laguna Beach and San Pedro, so that businesses can remain open, and patrons can enjoy a safe meal outdoors. Choura can provide social distanced chairs, partitions, and ambient design (such as plants and lighting). For more information about our temporary structures for events and restaurants, visit our website.
Outdoor Events During COVID: Additional Safety Measures
Are you thinking about attending an outdoor event during the COVID-19 pandemic? Before you go, it is important to know that the host of the event is taking the appropriate precautions (social distancing, sanitation, etc.). As an individual, make sure that you wash your hands frequently, always wear a mask, and maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet away from anyone who is not in your household.