Temporary Structures for Weather Conditions During COVID

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Temporary structures for weather; COVID-19 And The Outdoors

Large field covered by temporary canopies and filled with empty foldable chairs
Choura Events: Temporary structures for weather

Temporary structures for weather are now an important focus as the need for outdoor venues continue during the COVID pandemic.  At the beginning of COVID-19 shutdown in the United States in March, businesses and events across the country shut down as the country went into quarantine. Now, months into the pandemic, businesses such as restaurants and retailers have begun to open. The CDC has released information regarding the spread of the virus that states that the COVID-19 virus has a lesser chance of transmission outdoors.

Because of this, state governments have allowed for businesses to open for outdoor services. While requiring social distancing and mask wearing in some cases. When deciding to go out, there are precautions that you can take to lower your transmission. Such as being outdoors, social distancing (at least six feet), and wearing masks, however there is no way to insure a zero risk of infection. However, as we head into winter and many parts of the country will be battling cold weather, people are searching for temporary structures that account for different weather conditions.

Transmission of COVID-19

Outdoor patio with umbrellas for popup nail salon
Choura Events: Temporary patio setup for weather

The CDC has a comprehensive list of guidelines and precautions that people can take to reduce their risk of infection as they go out. Much of these precautions include keeping a safe distance away from others with masks on. This is easiest to do outdoors, where there is much more air circulation to keep the virus from spreading. Once winter sets in, it will be much more difficult for people to remain outdoors when going out. In cities such as Chicago, where winter can be very harsh, preventing people from going outside, the city has offered rewards to residents who come up with environmentally conscious solutions for outdoor winter dining.  For cities such as Los Angeles, where winters are more mild, temporary structures for weather may look different.

Temporary Structures for Weather in Southern California

Choura Events team setting up temporary structure foundation
Choura Events: Temporary Structure Foundation

Since the pandemic began, Choura has used our warehouse and staff to pivot from live event builds in order to provide temporary builds for companies and organizations to gather outside. This has included large outdoor tents for churches to hold socially distanced in person services (see our partners at Sea Coast Grace), and outdoor dining patio extensions for restaurants in San Pedro and in other cities across Southern California.

As we look ahead towards the winter months, Choura has taken considerations in our builds for weather. We have constructed custom fitted tenting structures for restaurants with existing patios in cities all across southern california. These custom builds have special custom features to protect from water and cooler weather. Many of them can even be equipped with a heating system if desired. We will continue to update you as we take more considerations for weather in our temporary builds in the coming months. To check out more of our builds, check out our website.





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Choura Events: An Experience Company. Building pretty is easy. Building with purpose takes guts. Amongst an industry of order-takers, we don’t fit in. We find out. We’re after the moments that can’t be replicated. The events that transcend walls and transform individuals. To learn more visit us at https://www.choura.co, call us at (310) 320-6200 or email us at info@choura.co. Follow us on Social Media:

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