Choura’s Transition to COVID-19 Response

When COVID-19 impacted the event industry, Choura like so many others had to find a way to pivot fast. But rather than rely on virtual experiences or going digital, the team found a way to respond by using our resources available. We had the event production knowledge and build expertise, but no where to go with it. Our teams aligned with best-in-class hospitals and medical facilities to build COVID-19 testing sites throughout the area. Working with over five different hospitals in the area our teams were able to help bring testing sites to thousands in need. By reworking our business plan we were able to use a similar model of building event structures to tenting testing sites.

Our response to the pandemic garnered the attention of reporters at the Los Angeles Times.

LA Times Article:

“Live Nations and AEG closed down their entire festival and concert schedule, along with all major sports leagues playing now. His 200 employees were suddenly without any work, and it was difficult to see when anybody would be gathering in public in the near future.”

“But while it was no silver lining, Choura saw a sudden urgency for very specific services his firm could provide. Hospitals and local governments were in dire need of temporary facilities to treat COVID-19 patients.”

“‘I felt devastated by the changes in the business, how to make payroll and take care of our employees. I’ve never cried more than in the last 14 days,’ Choura said, as he stood outside the Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center, where his firm is working overtime to erect heavy-duty triage tents and overflow facilities where doctors will treat an expected flood of coronavirus patients in the coming weeks.”

Read more of the story here.

Ryan Choura inside Fountain Valley Regional Hospital Tent Choura Events: Ryan Choura inside Fountain Valley Regional Hospital Tent

Looking to build a COVID-19 testing site of your own? Check out our CUSTOM TENTS.

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