Safe Outdoor Event: Ensuring Security and Memorability

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Were you put in charge of organizing a safe outdoor event for your company, or you’re an event planner who organizes these things for a living? Either way, you have to make sure the event is a memorable and safe one. Meaning you have to get all the details right.

In this article, we’ll show you tips on how to make your next event safe and memorable, even in the midst of the COVID pandemic.

Get your Permits

You wouldn’t want your event to be shut down halfway in when your guests are there, would you? There are several permits that you should get. There’s food, tents, alcohol structure, temporary use, and electrical permits.  So, make sure you get those permits.

What’s the arrangement?

You need to find out where everything will be placed within the event location. The blueprint of the event is the first thing you need to draw up. Get information like where you’ll store the tents, vendors, food trucks, music stand, portable toilet, etc. 

Find Out if Any of the Guests Have Food Allergies

Since safety is required, you should ensure that the food served is suitable for all. If there’s anyone with allergies, you should make provision for foods they can eat to keep them safe. Also, you should ensure that the vendors are adequately fed to keep their productivity levels high.

Have an Emergency Kit

You’re not a good event planner or producer if you don’t plan for emergencies. As experts, we know that they will always happen, regardless of all the pre-planning. You should have an emergency kit, or more, have health workers present at the event in case of emergencies.

Sanitation and Pest Control

Outdoor events should also have portable toilets. It’s a must to keep everywhere nice and clean. It would be best to find out the guest count so that you won’t have long queues outside the portable toilets. Plus, make sure you have an exterminator spray the area and have electric fans running to keep mosquitoes away. No one wants to leave an event covered in bites! 

Get proper Amenities

As the event planner, you’d want to ensure that everyone is comfortable. And to achieve this, you’d want to ensure that there’s proper lighting, hand wipes, bug spray, light blankets, and wraps.

Hire a cleaning crew 

When the event is all over, you should ensure that you clean up after yourself.

Do you need help organizing your next safe outdoor event? Call the experts at outdoor events, tents, and builds for event production, and all your other event needs. Talk to us here.

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Choura Events: An Experience Company. Building pretty is easy. Building with purpose takes guts. Amongst an industry of order-takers, we don’t fit in. We find out. We’re after the moments that can’t be replicated. The events that transcend walls and transform individuals. To learn more visit us at, call us at (310) 320-6200 or email us at Follow us on Social Media:

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